Zillow Stories

We’ve got a long way to go — and we need your help.

We want to elevate industry standards by further opening up access to information, shedding light on industry practices that hurt the consumer experience, and advocating for consumer-first policies and regulations. Here are a few ways we’re working to help more people get home easily, securely, and affordably.
Fighting for an Easier, Single Search Experience
Antiquated industry rules prevent consumers from seeing all available home listings, including new construction homes, auction listings, and properties listed for sale by owner, in an easy single search experience.
Giving Buyers Access to All Available Home Listings
Zillow believes the practice of “office exclusive” and “private listings” disadvantages both buyers and sellers. Consumers and real estate agents should be able to see all available home listings.
Ending Predatory Listing Practices
It’s time to stop long-term right-to-list agreements aimed at vulnerable consumers.
Giving Sellers the Power of Choice
Consumers have the right to choose how to sell their home — whether through a trusted professional or as “for sale by owner.”
Ensuring Real Estate Commissions Are Transparent
Buyers and sellers deserve and need dedicated, individual agent representation–and that agents should be fairly compensated for their expertise and the value they provide.
Educating Consumers on the Potential Pitfalls of Dual Agency
Dual agency is when a single real estate agent represents both the buyer and seller in the same transaction. It’s most beneficial for sellers and buyers when separate agents represent them each in the same transaction because it prevents conflicts of interest that can arise when a single agent negotiates for both the buyer and the seller.